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Teaching was the motivation behind my pursuit of a PhD and career in science.

Teaching is of supreme importance to the advancement of science; through teaching we train the scientists of tomorrow and communicate the findings of our endeavors to society at large. As an educator at the University of Colorado (CU) Anschutz medical campus (AMC), I actively participate in the training of scientists and healthcare professionals of the future. Students on the CU AMC learn the fundamentals of basic science and how it translates into scientific interrogation, diagnostics, and clinical practice within the classrooms and lecture halls where I teach.

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CCTSI Workshop Series

co-Director. Communicating Your Science to the Public

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CU School of Medicine

Content Director. Immunology

Trek curriculum Years 1 - 4 

see below for details

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CU School of Dental Medicine

CU Child Health Advocate/

Physician Assistant Program

Course Director. DSBS5511 Invaders & Protectors 

Year 1 

see below for details

Content Director. Immunology

Year 1 and Year 2 

see below for details

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CU Human Immunology &

Immunotherapy Initiative (HI3)

Fun-Size Immunology Workshop

A full serving of the foundational concepts in human immunology and immunotherapy in a 'fun-size' 2.5-day workshop

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CU Graduate School

Course Director. IMMU7530

Introduction to Immunology


Instructor. IMMU7605

Scientific Writing


Instructor. CANB7600 

Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Biology


Instructor. BMSC7810

Microbiology in Biomedical Research

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CU Denver

University Honors & Leadership Program

Course Director. UNHL4820 Scientific Thinking

Focused on the intensive analysis of literature from across the sciences to develop critical thinking, content integration, and analysis skills essential to any future professional


2024. Awarded. CU Chancellor's Teaching Recognition Award, School of Medicine

Winners are named by the school- or college-wide student governance groups. A committee in each school/college, comprised of a student representative, a faculty representative, and an administrator, selects the winner; one award (of 1000+ faculty) are given at the May commencement ceremony each year.


2023. Nominated. CU School of Medicine S.T.A.R.ling Award

'Students Thanking and Recognizing' (S.T.A.R.)ling Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, selected by the Class of 2027 medical students at the end of their first block, Foundational Principles. The STARling Award represents 1 individual block; only 1 award is given at the end of each block.

2023. Awarded. CU School of Medicine STAR Award

'Students Thanking and Recognizing' (S.T.A.R.) Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, selected by the Class of 2026 medical students at the end of their first-year (AY2022/2023). The STAR Award represents the entire first year; three awards (of 100+ faculty) are given at the end of the first year.

2014. Awarded. CU Denver College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Non-Tenure Faculty Teaching Award

2011. Awarded. CU Denver College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Non-Tenure Faculty Teaching Award


CU School of Medicine

YEAR 1. The 'Plains'

IDPT5016 Foundational Principles

Cells, Organs, and Microenvironments of the Immune System

Introduction to Innate Immunity and Inflammation

Integration of Immunology & Microbiology. Host-Pathogen Interaction

Introduction to the Complement System

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). Antigen Processing & Presentation

T cells. Development, Maturation & Activation

Immune Response to Cancer

B cells. Development, Maturation & Activation

Antibody Structure & Function

Type I-III Hypersensitivities (antibody-mediated)

Overview of Immunology in the context of Myasthenia Gravis


IDPT5017 Hematologic & Lymphatic Systems

Vaccines. Formulations and Immune Response

Immune Response to Tumors. Immunotherapy

Immune Diagnostics. Interrogation of the Immune System

Immunodeficiency Schema

Team-Based Learning. Use and Interpretation of Lab Studies for Diagnosis of Immunodeficiency

Immunodeficiency Case. Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (LAD)

Immunodeficiency Case. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID)

Immunodeficiency Case. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


IDPT5018 Gastrointestinal System

Overview of Mucosal Immunity and Oral Tolerance

Immunopathogenesis of GI. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Celiac Disease


IDPT5019 Pulmonary & Cardiovascular Systems

Overview of Pulmonary Immune Defense

Asthma, Allergens & Anaphylaxis (Oh My!)

Overview of Autoimmune Lung Disease


IDPT5021 Renal & Urinary Systems

Immunology of Renal Disease

Introduction to Transplantation


IDPT5022 Nervous System

Inflammatory Neuropathy with focus on Multiple Sclerosis and Guillian Barre' Syndrome


IDPT5023 Musculoskeletal & Integumentary Systems

Overview of Rheumatology

Inflammatory and Non-Inflammatory Arthritis with focus on Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Vasculitis, and Gout


IDPT5025 Endocrine & Metabolic Systems

Overview of Thyroid Dysfunction with focus on Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Immunopathogenesis of Type I Diabetes (T1D)


IDPT5026 Reproductive System & Life Cycles

Immune System During Pregnancy and Development

Vaccines Across the Lifespan


YEAR 3. The 'Alpine Summit'

IDPT8039 Advanced Sciences Immunology & Immunotherapy

Vaccines and Communication Strategies

Solid Tumors, Immune Checkpoint Blockade, and Immune-Related Adverse Events (irAE)

Liquid Tumors, Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cells, and Immune Related Adverse Events (irAE)

Overview of Atopic Conditions and the Biologics of Atopic Conditions

Clinical Pathological Conference. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

CU Child Health Advocate / Physician Assistant (CHA/PA) Program


Summer Immersion. Immunology & Microbiology

Introduction to Immunology

Introduction to Microbiology

Introduction to Inflammation. Host-Pathogen Interaction

Introduction to Common Pathogens. Host-Pathogen Interaction


Academic Year. Immunology

Innate Immunity and Complement

Adaptive Immunity. B cells and Antibody

Adaptive Immunity. MHC, T cells, and Transplantation

Pathogenesis of Viruses and Cancer

Overview of Vaccine Formulations and Immune Response



Academic Year. Immunology

Overview of Types I-IV Hypersensitivities

Introduction to Immunodeficiency Disorders, including HIV and AIDS

Advanced Inflammation. Inflammatory Cascades

CU School of Dental Medicine


DSBS5511. Invaders & Protectors (Microbiology & Immunology)

Overview of the Immune System and Relevance to the Practice of Dental Medicine

Integration of Immunology and Microbiology. Host-Pathogen Interactions

Cells, Organs, and Microenvironments of the Immune System

Introduction to Innate Immunity, Inflammation, and the Complement System

Adaptive Immunity. B cells and Antibody

Adaptive Immunity. Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and T cells

​Introduction to Transplantation

Mucosal Immunity and Oral Tolerance

Introduction to Periodontal Disease

Types I-IV Hypersensitivities

Tolerance & Autoimmunity

Immunodeficiency Disease. Inherited and Acquired

Cancer, the Immune System, and Immunotherapy

Vaccines. Formulations and the Immune Response

Application of Immunology in the context of Dental Medicine

Science Communication. Best Practices for Science Communication and Trusted Patient Relationships

CU Graduate School

IMMU7530. Introduction to Immunology
Cells, Organs, and Microenvironments of the Immune System
Innate Immunity, Inflammation, and the Complement System
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and Antigen Processing & Presentation
T cell Development, Activation, and Effector Functions
Antibody Structure & Function
B cell Development, Activation and Differentiation
Antigen Receptor Signaling (BCR and TCR)
Type I-IV Hypersensitivities
Immune Response to Cancer & Immunotherapy
Autoimmunity & Tolerance
Vaccines and the Immune Response

Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Initiative (HI3) Fun-Size Workshop

A full serving of immunology in a 2.5-day 'fun-size' package

CU Denver University Honors & Leadership Program

UNHL4820. Scientific Thinking

Intensive analysis of primary and secondary literature from across the sciences designed to develop the critical thinking, content integration, and analysis skills necessary to be  successful throughout academic endeavors and professional careers. Through reading, group work, oral and written presentations, and class discussion students expand their understanding and appreciation of the scientific method and develop the ability to critically analyze and evaluate experimental design in the scientific and social contexts.

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